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Founder, Openwater

Dr. Mary Lou Jepsen

Mary Lou Jepsen has been a director of the Company since March 2016. Dr. Jepsen is the CEO, Founder and Chairperson of the Board of Openwater, a company making novel complex medical devices using ultrasound, photonics and electromagnetics to treat aggressive cancers, debilitating mental disorders, and incapacitating strokes. Previously, Dr. Jepsen was the Executive Director of Engineering at Meta, Inc. (f/k/a Facebook) and Head of Display Technologies at Oculus, where she led advanced consumer electronics, optoelectronic and display design and manufacturing efforts. Dr. Jepsen has also held executive level roles at Google and Intel. She was the co-founder and CTO of One Laptop per Child, which developed the $100 laptop, millions of which were shipped to children in the developing world. Since February 2021, Dr. Jepsen has served as a director of Luminar Technologies, Inc. Dr. Jepsen is the principal inventor on approximately 250 patents and is a former MIT professor. She also has broad foreign and domestic advisory experience in Peru, China, Uruguay, Taiwan, Brazil and the United States. Dr. Jepsen has been named to TIME Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People and CNN’s Top 10 Thinkers. Dr. Jepsen holds a doctorate degree from Brown University in Optical Sciences, a Master of Science from MIT in Visual Studies and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Brown University.
