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Supply Chain Sustainability

Supplier Sustainability Policy

It is Lear’s belief that how we operate as a Company, and as individuals, is based on the principle of doing the right thing. This leads our customers and business partners to do business with us, our shareholders to invest in us, our external stakeholders to respect us, and the best talent to join us in working for Lear.

This Supplier Sustainability Policy identifies the global standards to be followed in your business activities on behalf of Lear. Suppliers are expected to share Lear’s commitment to these standards.

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

Lear conducts business with integrity and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. A commitment to integrity is critical to how we conduct business and maintain our outstanding reputation in the communities in which we do business. Suppliers are expected to understand and comply with Lear’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, and demonstrate the highest standard of integrity and ethical conduct in all business activities.

Legal Compliance

Lear is committed to complying with all applicable legal requirements. Suppliers are expected to comply with all applicable legal requirements and prevent incidents or conditions that might result in a violation of law. All purchased materials used in manufacture of goods shall satisfy current governmental and safety constraints on restricted, toxic and hazardous materials as well as environmental, electrical and electromagnetic considerations applicable to the country of manufacture and sale. All suppliers must be in compliance with ISO14001, TS16949 and ELV (End-of-Life) Directive, or their successors, as amended from time to time.

Human Rights

Lear is committed to recognizing human rights and labor principles throughout its global organization and supply chain. Lear considers employees to be one of the most important resources and is committed to the treatment of all employees with dignity and respect. All suppliers are required to comply with local laws governing the employment relationship.

Child Labor

Lear’s suppliers will not use child labor. The term child refers to children under the legal age for employment in any location.

Forced Labor, Human Trafficking

Lear believes that all employees should have the right to voluntarily elect whether to be employed by the supplier. The supplier will not use forced or involuntary labor of any kind or tolerate physically abusive disciplinary practices.

Learn more about the risks of child labor, forced labor and human trafficking in global supply chains.

Wages and Hours, Working Conditions

Suppliers must comply with all applicable wage and hour laws, including minimum wage, overtime, maximum hour rules, meal and rest periods, and to provide legally mandated benefits. Where local industry standards exceed applicable legal requirements, suppliers are encouraged to provide wages and ensure working conditions that meet the higher local industry standards.

Coercion, Harassment and Discipline

Lear expects its suppliers to treat their employees with dignity and respect. Suppliers are expected to have systems in place to prevent, detect, and resolve unacceptable worker treatment such as harassment, inappropriate use of discipline, discrimination, physical or mental punishment, or other forms of intimidation or abuse (e.g., physical abuse, threat of abuse, sexual or other harassment, verbal abuse, any type of corporal punishment, or other forms of mental and/or physical coercion as a form of discipline).


Lear is committed to providing all employees with a professional working environment which is free from unlawful forms of discrimination and harassment. Suppliers must make all employment decisions based on the facts and individual merit. Suppliers shall not discriminate in their hiring and employment practices (e.g., pay/promotion) and must follow all employment laws.

Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

Suppliers must respect their employees’ right to choose to join or not to join a trade union, or to have recognized employee representation in accordance with local law. Suppliers are expected to maintain constructive dialogue and negotiate in good faith with such representatives.

Suppliers shall not harass, discriminate against, or otherwise penalize workers, worker representatives, or trade union members because of their interest and/or membership in, or affiliation with, a trade union, or their legitimate trade union activity, in accordance with international labor standards.

Preventing Bribery and Corruption

Lear is committed to conducting business ethically throughout the world. Lear prohibits suppliers from giving or promising to give anything of value to employees or representatives of foreign governments, governmental agencies, political parties, or to political candidates, for the purpose of obtaining or retaining business. Suppliers must conduct business with integrity and in full compliance with all applicable laws.

Environmental, Health & Safety

Lear is committed to complying with all applicable environmental, health and safety legal requirements and protecting the environment. Suppliers are expected to comply with all applicable environmental, health and safety legal requirements and prevent incidents or conditions that might result in a violation of law or otherwise endanger the environment.

Suppliers must provide each employee with a safe and healthful work environment. Each supplier has responsibility for maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for all employees by following health and safety rules and practices and reporting accidents, injuries and unsafe equipment, practices or conditions as stated in the Environmental, Health and Safety Policy

Environmental Health Safety and Sustainability Policy PDF

Environmental Sustainability

Lear adopts the definition for Sustainability as "meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." For Lear, this means being aware of our impacts and understanding how these affect the world around us. Our mission is to reduce these impacts while increasing the profitability and longevity of our company.

Lear expects its suppliers to support Lear’s sustainability mission by complying with all applicable environmental laws, rules and regulations while using resources wisely. Suppliers are expected to share Lear’s commitments by developing and implementing a sustainability program focused on using natural resources responsibly, including management of forests and water, reducing waste generation, improving energy efficiency and reducing the carbon footprint of their operations.

Preventing the Flow of Funds to Armed Groups and Conflicts

Lear strives to use only components with raw materials where extraction, transport, trade, processing and export are obtained from validated sources as a matter of principle, wherever practicable. We ask our suppliers to source responsibly and endeavor to understand that sourcing of their materials neither directly nor indirectly provides funding to conflicts and human rights abuses. Further, compliance with conflict minerals requirements is outlined in the Lear Conflict Minerals Sourcing Policy.

Conflict Minerals Policy PDF

Animal Welfare

Lear upholds the highest standards for ethical behavior. With respect to animal welfare, we require compliance with all legal requirements and, as applicable, we expect our suppliers to implement industry-best policies and practices related to the ethical treatment of animals. Lear commits to a belief in the humane treatment of animals, including freedom from thirst and hunger, freedom from discomfort, pain, injury and disease, freedom to express normal behavior, and freedom from fear and distress.

Implementation of Sustainability Standards in the Supply Chain

Lear expects its suppliers and all subcontractors to abide by the requirements of this Supplier Sustainability Policy, including identifying risks within their supply chains and taking appropriate measures to address them.

Right to Audit and Ensure Compliance

Lear reserves the right to conduct audits or request third-party verification (e.g. ISO standard, Leather Working Group (LWG) standard or other globally accepted standards) to ensure compliance with these requirements and also reserves the right to take appropriate measures, including discontinuing any relationship with a supplier should the supplier violate, fail to correct, or have a pattern of violating this Policy.

Conflict Minerals

As a publically traded company based in the U.S., Lear is required to comply with the requirements of Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rules and regulations. Lear must perform due diligence on, and make disclosures concerning its use of conflict minerals originating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and adjoining countries.

All Lear suppliers are required to respond to information requests from Lear regarding the uses and sources of conflict minerals (tin, tungsten, tantalum and gold) in their products including information about minerals that are recycled or scrap.

In order to respond to Lear's information requests, suppliers will need to make similar inquiries of their suppliers as a means to investigate the source of materials in their products, and to provide Lear the requested information based upon the results of such inquiries.

Lear may be required, and may require its suppliers, to perform due diligence on the source and chain of custody of its conflict minerals in accordance with the "OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas." In addition, suppliers may be required to make certain representations/certifications with respect to the use of conflict minerals.

Please refer to the files identified below to obtain further information:
Additional information on conflict minerals may be obtained through links on the SEC website. Supplier questions may be emailed to conflictminerals@lear.com.

Human Rights, Forced and Child Labor

Lear is committed to protecting the environment and human rights in our global communities, operations and supply chain. We uphold the highest standards of ethical behaviour and compliance with all legal requirements. As our partners in business, we expect our suppliers to uphold those same standards.

Globally, nearly 25 million people fall victim to forced labor and there is known risk for the abuse of human rights in corporate supply chains. As part of our commitment, Lear is helping to increase awareness and mitigate forced labor and other human rights violations by identifying and sharing helpful data and tools with our employees and suppliers.

The resources below provide information about the risks and warning signs of child labor, forced labor and human trafficking. Lear’s global suppliers are expected to review and cascade the materials and messages to their employees and global supply network, as appropriate.

Child Labor in the Supply Chain (EN | ES | CN)Forced Labor in the Supply Chain (EN | ES | CN)