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Employee Spotlight Series

Camilla Brandao

Process Engineering Manager
Goiana, Brazil

How have you grown in your career since you started working at Lear?

In October, I celebrated my seventh anniversary at Lear, and I confess that I often still walk the path to the plant with the same feeling I had on my first day: I am exactly where I would like to be.  It's also gratifying to look back and see the way I'm growing professionally here. I started in process engineering as a junior analyst in 2016 and progressed to the position of process engineering manager in 2022, after a stint in logistics. I am currently TRIM production manager at the Goiana plant. I challenge myself every day to do the best I can.

What's the best advice you can give to someone who just started their career?

Be persistent, and learn from both your successes and your mistakes. We are living in a time when society expects immediate responses. People are often driven to obtain results faster. But it's important to give yourself the opportunity to breathe and reflect on your decisions and the paths you can choose. Regardless of the situation, there are always lessons to be learned and shared.

What do you do when you're not working?

I love traveling, so I try to use most of my free time to visit new places and, whenever possible, to see family and friends. My favorite trips are full of culture and good cuisine. So far, the best was visiting Cusco, Peru.